Third Space Tokyo is a company founded by life partners Lisa and Kenji Hosokawa. Although neither is from Tokyo originally, in 2008, they settled here with their two daughters, and they now consider this city their home.
Lisa Hosokawa / 細川リサ
Chief English Co-Creator / 英語共創クリエイター Dartmouth College, Asian Studies, B.A. Columbia University, modern Japanese history, M.Phil. Born near Boston, Massachusetts, USA Years lived in USA: 29 Years lived in Japan: 18 Areas of interest: Co-creation, information design, Clean Language, Plain English |
Kenji Hosokawa / 細川兼嗣
Representative Director / 代表取締役 Dartmouth College, Economics and Math, B.A. Columbia Law School, J.D. Born in Kobe, Japan Years lived in USA: 22 Years lived in Japan: 24 Areas of interest: philanthropy, social entrepreneurship, bouldering |
To contact Lisa or Kenji, please use the LinkedIn buttons above.